Shenggie =]


A Glimps of ME.

My photo
Mpls, in lala land
10 Facts About me you should know; 1. I have 7 brothers and 3 sisters 2. I like taking pictures (of myself of course 3. My favorite color is Green 4. I am a big time TWIlIGHT FAN 5. My current favorite k-drama is Boys Before Flowers 6. I am a Junior to be... hahas 7. My favorite subjects are Math& Science 8. I love my IPOD 9. My favorite drink is mountain dew super nova style 10. My role model is my oler sister.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Persepolis Blog #1

Questions I'm answering # 2, 10 & 12

#2.)I thought that if Persepolis would've been fictionalized, the book would've been more powerful. Some of the memoirs that I read before were of course Memoirs of a Geisha and I just recently read The Last Princess of Manchuria , in comparson to Persepolis,these two were of course aren't comics and they were pretty lengthy and they were fitionalized so I felt the books spoke out more to the reader. For instance in The Last Princess of Manchuria, when she got raped by her foster dad, I felt her aguish towards her life and I felt that her adopted daddy sould die. (He was freaking 59 & she was only 17!) Weither or not if her dad really did raped her we don't know(there weren't any records of the rape, but it was said that she tried to commit suicide when she was 17.), but I sure do know one thing, just because the author sort-of fictionalized that little incident, it feed the reader with a surge of emotionit felt real even thought it's different, also I felt as though Persepolis were a tiny bit too kiddish, (yes, I know that it written throgh the eye of a little girl, but come on if there was a war that was going on, I think little kids wouln't behave like that. Lets take my mommy & daddy for instance, I vaguely remeber my mommy telling me about parts of her childhood, they were first about playing around,when she turned seven everything changed. She had to go hiding insdie the remote jungles of Laos, to hide from communists who were after the heads of Hmong people, none were spared. And thats why I sort-of felt lke the author of Persopolis should've fictionalized more about her life, so we, as the readers can understand her more. Because throughout the book, she seems like she not at all puzzled, or shooken by it. Even after Anoosh was killed, (even thought she cried) She carried on lilfe & after the boy she liked left, she did the same thing. & of course in the begining of the book when the kids were playing around with the veils. Though I could say that I think she's really patriodic. And I guess thats the advantage of memoirs, the book is filled with emotions, and the bad things about memoirs is probably because its not exactly 100% correct.

#10) Umm.... I haven't read to the end of the Iranian war yet, but, judging from the begining of the book, she seems really civil. She wanted to be "god" right. She wanted to be god so that there wren't be anymore social classes. She felt that it was wrong, well according to history, the maids and the ladies of a house don't really sleep in the same place. But as we all know, Marji's & her maid, are completely comfortable with eachother. Marji even wrote her love letters so that she can pass it on to the next door neighbor. And in a way, I felt that I would do the same thing, I don't like this "social class" thing, it limits s, as people to a "crowd" of people. I know that it still exists in the world, I know it does in India. And Marji said that one she becomes god then shell get rid of the social classes, in which I glady support her! =]

#12) The roles of the women in this memoir...humm they are like the "lower people."I wasn't surpised by it, many places in the world still coined women as the weak ones, even in America. Up to this day men are still getting paid more than women. And also when I read the book, women were alwaise the one to sat sorry, even though they did nothing wron, like when Marji's dad was about to get caugt drinking, her mother had to apologized to the soldier even thought she did nothing wrong, and they were the one always getting pushed around. Jari's sister died in his place. Her mom was called a slut, just because she wasn't wearing a aveil. The teachers were freakin b******! Espcieally the one that suspended them, she had like the biggest attitude, I couldnt stand her. While Marji's grandmother is te character that is forgivable, the one who had lots of love to give & wisdom. She loved everybody! And I see Mariji as a little clever girl, she's really smart, remeber when she calculated the numbers of tanks destroyed? Smartness! GIrl POwer!

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