The feed is described as knowing what you need before you do-is that what the feed is really doing?

From my personal standpiont, I don't think that the feed knows anything except to advertise products. On page 70, when the doctors and nurses were supposly fixing his feed, all the feed did was advertise products like theT44 fermion and Hardgore. When Titus was "dreaming" on page 157, his feed was even advertsiting the Swap XE-11, its doing nothing esle but advertising. And then on page 174, the feed was, once again, advertising for Cyranofeed. It was completely clear on page 246+ that all the feed wanted to do was sell products and don't care rather if their customers are alright or not. Because obviously, Violet was clearly distressed and "Nina" doesnt care about anything but advertising "perpiration-control devices." I like meg hate how the feed always wants to sell products, I want them to be responsible for their customers!
How does having the "feed" affect Titus' personality and intelligence? What passages demonstrate this?
Having the feed implanted into his brain definealty impacts really hard. I mean, he can't even think for himself, and he's like meg dependent on the feed. When Titus first saw Violet, something about her intrigued him, and he seemed like he wasn't able to think it out, and then the feed comes on and recommends "supple." On page 134, Titus didn't even know the way to Violet's house, he had to follow directions from the feed. The "feed" also made him really stupid. On page 123 when Violet and Titus were talking about the guy who had hacked them and Violet said "He died...contusions. Broken skull." Titus' reply was "What are contusions?" then he looked it up on the feed. On page 47 Titus "That's one of the great things about the feed... that you can be supersmart without ever working. Everyone is supersmart now. You can look things up automatic, like science and history, like if you want to know what battles of the Civil War George Washington fought in." Yeah, supersmart. When I read this, i was like Seriously>!@ Are people that relies too much technology that stupid? I already think that I'm stupid and Titus just made me feel smart. lol=]
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I think the reason why her father would like to study the dead languages i because maybe he wants to preserve the diversity of lanuages. I mean considering right now, lanuages are becoming really scarce. I barely use Hmong anymore, thought I really want to preserve my lanuage, its becoming rather hard, because i'm not exposed to my Hmong heritage. Diversity is a really good thing. It wouldn't be nice if there was only one national costume, and if there was only one type of tree, only one race, or one kind of store? it's gonna="" be="" like="" going="" to="" a="" mall="" with="" only="" marts="" or="", yeah woldnt that be fun? walking into a mall, with only wal-marts? The goal of her daddy is probably to have different things, so that people won't be so bored. We all know that during the break, when they were in the hospital, there were only one painting on the wall, and Titus got meg null, because there was nothing to look at. So, I think her father is trying to resist the feed, in some sort of way, because after all, all the feed actually does is catalog people and their shopping habbits so that they can create a product in which everybody will use. (page 97)
These clips aren't directly related to the questions, but its still hs something to do with the theme of Feed.(I Think They're Both The same Robot.) Seriously, I didn't much of this but now, I'm a bit scared for Teachers! Watch out, they're also multi-lanugal. =]